Thursday, November 8, 2018

‘When people rise, even empires fall’

‘When people rise, even empires fall’
      We have achieved the objective of creating awareness on issues of public interest, significantly, thanks to our relentless work in the past 25 years – past decade in particular.
      There is a palpable change. People are expressing their disenchantment with the political forces and administration, by demolishing liquor outlets, taking up desilting of water bodies themselves, protesting nuclear power plants and other hazardous projects, rushing to the rescue and rehabilitation work during natural calamities, passing strictures against the anti people laws and programs/ projects of the governments in gram sabhas.
      Having achieved the first step in empowerment, it’s time to make the voice of the people heard in governing bodies. People are willing to take up political responsibilities now. If not lead properly many of the activists will only turn in to new ‘Goliaths’. They will continue the current political trend only with a set of new players in it. Further, we have to ensure that the new found mass uprising does not slip in to the hands of divisive and fringe elements.
      The political system operating ‘top down’ is wrought with danger of authoritarianism. Hence, we have to ensure participation of a large number of people in the process of governance, thus channelize the energies in to transformative action.
      We cannot expect the powers that be to enact laws to control themselves, to upset their own apple cart and play ‘Basmasuras’ to efface themselves out. The nominees of these self-centered and self aggrandizer leaders can and will only represent them in their loot and atrocities. To represent the people in the governing bodies, only the people should select and nominate their own candidates.
      Theorizing corruption, mal administration, analyzing the election results, process, demanding action on culprits and demanding changes in laws are not leading us anywhere, anymore. The current level of awareness among the public in general is due only to these actions. They are necessary actions, but not sufficient ones.
      We have tried nominating honest candidates. But they were either self nominated or nominated by very small groups. The people have not been able to identify with/ own these candidates. They have resorted to choose the ‘known devil as against the un known angel’.
      Instead of asking people to vote for us – our nominees – activists group’s, small honest parities’ nominees – if alone we tell them to select their own candidates, they will own these candidates and ensure victory. Anyway they are likely to choose only some socially active ones. If we are the ones, let us take it as a ‘call of duty' and deliver. If not, we can still continue our selfless service. We have anyway not ventured in to politics to play politics ourselves, but only to rein in, reform, revitalize, reinvent, re calibrate, reinforce, rejuvenate, reinvigorate, politics.
      We have to establish ‘people’s committees’ at different levels and facilitate them to ‘search, select, nominate and elect’ their own candidates. ‘Peoples committees’ should be formed at street level – for 150 to 250 voters residing in 50 to 75 homes – and select a representative – basically an honest person, not member of any entrenched political party, not drunkard and willing to lend his hands for common causes. The reps of 10 street committees will form the ‘area committee’ – representing 1,500 to 2,500 voters. A ‘large area committee’ of, ten area committee reps – 15,000 to 25,000 voters - a ‘state assembly constituency committee’ – 150,000 to 250,000 voters and finally a ‘Loksabha constituency committee’ – 15 lac voters – should be formed similarly. Where ever possible the size of the committees to be matched to the assembly constituency, local body wards. Consulting up and down, the people’s candidates for the 3 levels of governance should be selected unanimously.     
      The thinking that we need reforms in the constitution and RPA for establishing good government is topsy-turvy. Only when we have a good government, we will be able to enact such reforms. To establish this method, no change is needed in any law. When we achieve this, many of the changes contemplated now will become redundant and whatever is still required can be brought about easily.     
      It has already started happening in many places. Our duty now is only to ensure that these do not remain exceptions, but become a rule. People are very enthusiastic, when they realize they can play a part in selecting their own candidates. The feeling of ownership will definitely lead to salvation.
     Activists groups, service groups and NGOs, with their wide base of cadres, can give a massive push to this movement and take the message to the nearly 95 crore voters, before the next Lok sabha elections, hopefully in 2019. Many state assemblies and local bodies are slated to go to polls in the near future.
      The political situation is so grave that we cannot experiment at ‘a few places’ before launching full scale. This country cannot afford to wait for another five years for us to gather ourselves. The current political situation is akin to blood cancer. No pain killer or balm will do. Total blood transfusion is the only way out.
      Irrespective of the results of elections, these committees can start working for the development of their wards/ constituencies. They can represent the people in meeting the authorities and getting the problems attended to. The system can be formalized by registering these committees as ‘People’s welfare committees’ for authority and accountability. This network will create a shadow government that the officially elected government will ignore only at its own peril. Facility to recall members and referendum on major programs are built in, in this method.
      It’s time for a large gathering of sociopolitical activists, social workers and NGOs to deliberate and launch this with a big bang. We must form a ‘marg dharshak mandal’ of senior eminent citizens and well wishers to ensure acceptability from the cadres and leaders of sub groups.
      And if alone we have a responsible, responsive and respectable government, we would not have to come to the streets on a daily basis.

      After all “When people rise, even empires fall” and “Politicians are not invincible”.

K. Raja Rajan   
(A technologist by qualification, farmer by option and a Gandhian by conviction)
President – Gandhian Initiative for Social Transformation - Chennai
Ph: 94441 60839,  Email:, 
Face book: Raja Rajan K,   Blog:

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